Field Training Officer
April 14 - April 16
Field Training Officer: Basic
Presented by: Kevin Kelleher, Field Training Solutions
April 14 – 16, 2025, 8AM – 4PM. $295
To register, contact dianne@ftosolutions.com.
Course Flyer: Basic-Apr-14-66-2025-Edina MN
For newly appointed FTOs
28 CEUs (Minnesota POST)
Course content:
• Field training philosophy
• The role of the Field Training Officer
• Communication skills
• DISC personality profile
• Adult learning
• Learning preferences
• Generational differences
• How to create training opportunities
• Performance documentation
• Performance appraisal
• Evaluation exercises
DAY ONE —Training: FTO program history and overview, role of the FTO,
adult learning, learning preferences, training methods, and Department of Justice
recommendations for field training programs.
DAY TWO—Co aching: Feedback, coaching, performance improvement
plans, counseling role-plays, the effect of one’s personality on communication
and evaluation.
DAY THREE —Evaluation: How to write defensible evaluations, the power
of embracing definitions of behavior in programs, and making the case for termination. Attendees will use the rating tool used by their agency for evaluation
exercises or use our San Jose-based DOR.
Kevin Kelleher served many assignments with the Chisholm (MN), Bloomington (MN), and Wayzata (MN) Police Departments, including patrol, SWAT, investigations, sergeant, K9 supervisor, and oversaw field-training programs for over ten years before retiring as chief of police. He is an alumnus of the Southern Police Institute’s Administrative Officers Course and the Senior Management Institute for Police. Kevin holds a Master’s Degree in Education and teaches at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, and is an instructor and course director for Northwestern University’s Center for Public Safety in Evanston, Illinois.