Recruiting & Applicant Background Investigations
Presented by: Greg Anderson, On-Target Solutions Group
February 9 – 10, 8 AM – 4 PM
14 hours (POST Board Approved) #10444-0015
$275/ officer
For more information and to register, click here:
South Metro Backgrounds Feb. 9-10, 2023
Anyone who is involved or supervises recruiting and background investigations for their agency including sworn officers, civilians, Human Resources, or anyone wanting a better knowledge of the hiring process. Example forms will be provided to those at the training.
Participants will learn the importance of not only recruiting but also retention of quality personnel. An organizational assessment should be the first step in the process and the need to break the cycle of mediocrity.
Background investigators will leave with the knowledge of their role in the selection process, the legal aspects of the background investigation, background interview sources of information and preparing the investigation report. Background investigations affect the future of an organization in many ways, thus selection practices are vital to ensuring that future law enforcement employees and supervisors are suited for the variety of duties expected from the populations they serve. This course will provide techniques and procedures for the background investigator.
Topics Include:
- The importance of a recruiting plan
- Assessment of you organization
- Organization wellness
- What type of employees do you want
- Marketing and selling your organization
- Professional standards model for backgrounds
- Why background investigations are necessary
- Sources of information/Investigative techniques
- Conflicts vs. responsibilities for investigators
- Pre-interview procedures
- Job-related inquiries
- On-line data bases/social networking sites