LOCKUP Ground Control and Edged Weapon Instructor Training
Presented by: Jerry Lashway, Police Combat.
Monday – Friday, October 7 – 11, 2019, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
Tuition: $795.
To register, click here.
The L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Ground Control Edged Weapon Instructor Course is an in-depth presentation of police ground control tactics integrated with edged weapon defense. The course will provide a solid foundation of law enforcement and corrections ground engagements. This is not sport orientated grappling, these are tactics and techniques designed for law enforcement / correctional engagements. L.O.C.K.U.P. ® orientation provides the base of the system with the course specifically focusing on grounded and edged weapon engagements.
Topics Include:
• The L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Police Combat System
• Environmental and Situational Awareness
• Understand the limitations of grounded combat
• Mount, Guard and Side Control Platforms
• Defensive strategy/technique against five most likely attacks.
• Counter Offense from the Guard Position
• Counter Offense from the Mounted Position
• Maintaining and Escaping the Side Control
• Submission Holds to Handcuffing positions
• Learning to keep tactical distance from assailant (s)
• Understand the dynamics of an edged weapon assault
• Instructor methodologies and concepts
• Plus much more… REQUIRED EQUIPMENT
• BDU Style Pants · Boots with ankle support· Body Armor · Groin protection ·Full duty belt · Red Gun · Red Knife · Mouthguard
• No shorts allowed, officers wear gear!
Student will receive a training manual, certificate and
Instructor Shirt.
Jerry Lashway is a 20 Year Corrections Officer, Military Veteran, Edged Weapon Expert Black Belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu L.O.C.K.U.P.® Trainer
Checks Payable to:
KFD Training
and Consultation LLC
PO Box 290931
Wethersfield, CT
06129-0931 860.436.6975
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer (Re-Certification)
Tuesday – Thursday, June 25 – 27, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Tuition: $549.
Registration coming soon.
Also available by clicking on the registration link: Full 5-day Instructor Course (June 24-28).
This is the (3 day) re-certification for ‘Train the Trainer’, a comprehensive and highly challenging physical arrest and control program. It is our basic L.O.C.K.U.P.® system instructor program that prepares officers to become certified L.O.C.K.U.P.® Arrest and Control instructors. The course is taught with a combination of classroom, hands-on instruction and training drills in order to facilitate retention among students. The system can easily be incorporated into any current law enforcement system as modules.
- Risk Management for Confrontations,
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force,
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking,
- Instructional Methods and Techniques,
- Understanding Factors for Victory or Defeat,
- Controlling and Managing Fear,
- Physiological and Physical Changes During Combat,
- Fighting Maneuvers that Match the Physiological Changes,
- Instructional Techniques That Work For the Individual,
- Proper Striking Systems for Law Enforcement,
- How to Trouble-Shoot Fighting Maneuvers,
- Fighting Techniques and Fatigue,
- Team Communications and Takedowns,
- Ground Fighting,
- Weapon Retention and Takeaways,
- Edged Weapon Defenses and Countermeasures,
- Training for Multiple Assailants,
- Managing and Documenting Training, and
- Environmental Training,
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer
Monday – Friday, June 24 – 28, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuition: $795
MN POST #10035-1110
An intensive 5-day training program on L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Arrest and Control Instructor Course. This course provides in-depth arrest and control confrontation training. It develops a solid foundation of de-escalation tactics, physical manipulation techniques with instructional methods that will certify the student as a Basic L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Arrest and Control Instructor. The empty-hand skills can be relied upon by individual officers or with as teams. This system is a complete arrest and control program that fully integrates all weapons systems of law enforcement.
- Risk Management for Confrontations
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking
“You can’t manage what you do not measure.”
- Verbal Communication – De-escalation Skills
- Instructional Techniques to Fit the Employee
- Gross Motor Orientated Techniques
- Instructional Methods for Teaching
- Retainable Techniques
- Team Takedowns for Immediate Control
- Individual Based Takedowns
- Integration with Less Lethal Options
- Team Communications and Takedowns
- Police Ground Fighting Tactics
- Environmental Training
- Physiological Changes During Human Aggression
LOCKUP 5 Day IT South Metro MN June 19
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer
Monday – Friday, June 24 – 28, 2019, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuition: $749
MN POST #10035-1110
This five day Train the Trainer course is a comprehensive and highly challenging physical arrest and control program. It is our basic L.O.C.K.U.P.® system instructor program that prepares officers to become certified L.O.C.K.U.P.® Arrest and Control instructors. The course is taught with a combination of classroom, hands-on instruction and training drills in order to facilitate retention among students. The system can easily be incorporated into any current law enforcement system as modules.
- Risk Management for Confrontations
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force,
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking,
- Instructional Methods and Techniques,
- Understanding Factors for Victory or Defeat,
- Controlling and Managing Fear,
- Physiological and Physical Changes During Combat
- Fighting Maneuvers that Match the Physiological Changes,
- Instructional Techniques That Work For the Individual,
- Proper Striking Systems for Law Enforcement,
- How to Trouble-Shoot Fighting Maneuvers,
- Fighting Techniques and Fatigue,
- Team Communications and Takedowns,
- Ground Fighting,
- Weapon Retention and Takeaways,
- Edged Weapon Defenses and Countermeasures,
- Training for Multiple Assailants,
- Managing and Documenting Training, and
- Environmental Training