LOCKUP Ground Control and Edged Weapon Instructor Training
Presented by: Jerry Lashway, Police Combat.
Monday – Friday, October 7 – 11, 2019, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
Tuition: $795.
To register, click here.
The L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Ground Control Edged Weapon Instructor Course is an in-depth presentation of police ground control tactics integrated with edged weapon defense. The course will provide a solid foundation of law enforcement and corrections ground engagements. This is not sport orientated grappling, these are tactics and techniques designed for law enforcement / correctional engagements. L.O.C.K.U.P. ® orientation provides the base of the system with the course specifically focusing on grounded and edged weapon engagements.
Topics Include:
• The L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Police Combat System
• Environmental and Situational Awareness
• Understand the limitations of grounded combat
• Mount, Guard and Side Control Platforms
• Defensive strategy/technique against five most likely attacks.
• Counter Offense from the Guard Position
• Counter Offense from the Mounted Position
• Maintaining and Escaping the Side Control
• Submission Holds to Handcuffing positions
• Learning to keep tactical distance from assailant (s)
• Understand the dynamics of an edged weapon assault
• Instructor methodologies and concepts
• Plus much more… REQUIRED EQUIPMENT
• BDU Style Pants · Boots with ankle support· Body Armor · Groin protection ·Full duty belt · Red Gun · Red Knife · Mouthguard
• No shorts allowed, officers wear gear!
Student will receive a training manual, certificate and
Instructor Shirt.
Jerry Lashway is a 20 Year Corrections Officer, Military Veteran, Edged Weapon Expert Black Belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu L.O.C.K.U.P.® Trainer
Checks Payable to:
KFD Training
and Consultation LLC
PO Box 290931
Wethersfield, CT
06129-0931 860.436.6975
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer (Re-Certification)
Tuesday – Thursday, June 25 – 27, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Tuition: $549.
Registration coming soon.
Also available by clicking on the registration link: Full 5-day Instructor Course (June 24-28).
This is the (3 day) re-certification for ‘Train the Trainer’, a comprehensive and highly challenging physical arrest and control program. It is our basic L.O.C.K.U.P.® system instructor program that prepares officers to become certified L.O.C.K.U.P.® Arrest and Control instructors. The course is taught with a combination of classroom, hands-on instruction and training drills in order to facilitate retention among students. The system can easily be incorporated into any current law enforcement system as modules.
- Risk Management for Confrontations,
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force,
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking,
- Instructional Methods and Techniques,
- Understanding Factors for Victory or Defeat,
- Controlling and Managing Fear,
- Physiological and Physical Changes During Combat,
- Fighting Maneuvers that Match the Physiological Changes,
- Instructional Techniques That Work For the Individual,
- Proper Striking Systems for Law Enforcement,
- How to Trouble-Shoot Fighting Maneuvers,
- Fighting Techniques and Fatigue,
- Team Communications and Takedowns,
- Ground Fighting,
- Weapon Retention and Takeaways,
- Edged Weapon Defenses and Countermeasures,
- Training for Multiple Assailants,
- Managing and Documenting Training, and
- Environmental Training,
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer
Monday – Friday, June 24 – 28, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuition: $795
MN POST #10035-1110
An intensive 5-day training program on L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Arrest and Control Instructor Course. This course provides in-depth arrest and control confrontation training. It develops a solid foundation of de-escalation tactics, physical manipulation techniques with instructional methods that will certify the student as a Basic L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Arrest and Control Instructor. The empty-hand skills can be relied upon by individual officers or with as teams. This system is a complete arrest and control program that fully integrates all weapons systems of law enforcement.
- Risk Management for Confrontations
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking
“You can’t manage what you do not measure.”
- Verbal Communication – De-escalation Skills
- Instructional Techniques to Fit the Employee
- Gross Motor Orientated Techniques
- Instructional Methods for Teaching
- Retainable Techniques
- Team Takedowns for Immediate Control
- Individual Based Takedowns
- Integration with Less Lethal Options
- Team Communications and Takedowns
- Police Ground Fighting Tactics
- Environmental Training
- Physiological Changes During Human Aggression
LOCKUP 5 Day IT South Metro MN June 19
LOCKUP Arrest & Control – Train the Trainer
Monday – Friday, June 24 – 28, 2019, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuition: $749
MN POST #10035-1110
This five day Train the Trainer course is a comprehensive and highly challenging physical arrest and control program. It is our basic L.O.C.K.U.P.® system instructor program that prepares officers to become certified L.O.C.K.U.P.® Arrest and Control instructors. The course is taught with a combination of classroom, hands-on instruction and training drills in order to facilitate retention among students. The system can easily be incorporated into any current law enforcement system as modules.
- Risk Management for Confrontations
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force,
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking,
- Instructional Methods and Techniques,
- Understanding Factors for Victory or Defeat,
- Controlling and Managing Fear,
- Physiological and Physical Changes During Combat
- Fighting Maneuvers that Match the Physiological Changes,
- Instructional Techniques That Work For the Individual,
- Proper Striking Systems for Law Enforcement,
- How to Trouble-Shoot Fighting Maneuvers,
- Fighting Techniques and Fatigue,
- Team Communications and Takedowns,
- Ground Fighting,
- Weapon Retention and Takeaways,
- Edged Weapon Defenses and Countermeasures,
- Training for Multiple Assailants,
- Managing and Documenting Training, and
- Environmental Training
Presented by: Lt Kevin Dillon (ret), Police Combat.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 8 AM – 4:30 PM.
Tuition: $140 (includes lunch)
POST #10035-1111 (8 hours)
To register, click here.
This is a classroom based combat-confrontation avoidance course based upon the L.O.C.K.U.P. ® System. It teaches within a classroom setting how to recognize aggression and to not stimulate aggression. Students will learn communications skills and evidence based Active Diffusion Strategies that can avoid or resolve interactions by employing tactical de-escalation the techniques, conflict resolution methods and distraction techniques that promote successful tactical applications. The course also discusses tactical responses when diffusion tactics are inappropriate or ineffective. This program teaches officers how professional communication can protect officers in the field, reduce civilian complaints as well as civil litigation. Instruction uses lectures and demonstrations to facilitate learning and retention.
Understanding the principals of risk management for officer safety
Identifying indications of hostility through body language
Understand police “customer service” methods that yield positive relations
Identify professional benefits of active diffusion strategies
Learn methods of effective verbal de-escalation strategies
Understanding physiological changes during aggression
Learn to use cognitive limitations for active diffusion
Learn methods to re-direct the thought process through positive direction
Learn the importance of professional posturing
Identity different communications styles with appropriate response tactics
Learn methods of motivational interviewing skills
Learn methods of distraction to obtain tactical advantages
Learn communication and physical strategies to de-escalate situations
Learn how to avoid communications that may be negative
Learn how active strategies blend with a total law enforcement presentation