The Range, The Rules, The Rates
The South Metro Public Safety Training Facility allows the general public access to firing range for the purpose of practicing safe and proficient firearms handling. Our family friendly range encourages use by novice shooters, children with a parent/ guardian, anyone looking to improve gun handling and safety skills, and skilled hobbyists. Range safety officers are present at all times monitoring safe gun handling.
Fridays: 5 PM – 8:30 PM
Saturdays: 8 AM – 2 PM
Wednesdays: 5 PM – 8:30 PM
- $20 per lane for 45 minutes (1 shooter)
- $33 per lane for 60 min (2 shooters)
- $45 per lane for 70 min (3 shooters)
On the following dates, only the small range (15 yrds, 4 lanes) is available:
January 15
February 5
February 7
February 14
February 19
February 21
February 26
March 26
April 16
May 9
May 14
May 16
May 28
June 11
August 1
August 6
August 13
August 20
November 5
November 12
November 21
November 26
December 3
Law enforcement/ Military/ Veterans: Receive a $10 discount on your range fee!
A maximum of three paid customers are allowed in a bay, with only one active shooter per bay at a time.
All participants are required to have paid and completed a waiver form in order to use the range, even if only observing.
- Walk-in business only; reservations not accepted.
- We DO NOT rent guns or sell ammunition.
- Targets are available for purchase.
Please note: on the following dates, only the small range will be available to the public.
Intro to Handguns, MN Permit to Carry, Self Defense Pistol Training, Krav Maga 101, Progressive Pistol, Personal Preservation
About Us
The South Metro Public Safety Training Facility is jointly owned and operated by the Cities of Edina, Eden Prairie, Bloomington, and by the Metropolitan Airport Commission.
- Handgun caliber rounds (up to but NOT including .454 Casull)
- Rifles (up to 30-06)
- Fully automatic weapons
- Tracers
- Black powder
- Disruptive guns with high decibel levels (i.e: .454 Casull, .460 and .500 S & W Magnums and 50 Action Express)
- Drawing from holster
USERS: Lanes may be rented by adults 18 years or older. Children 10 – 17 must be accompanied at all times by parent or guardian.
- Ear and eye protection are REQUIRED.
- Always keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction (pointed up at ceiling) until in bay, then downrange only.
- Keep your finger off the trigger, out of the trigger guard until ready to fire.
- Open the action of a firearm immediately after uncasing and until ready to fire.
- Rapid fire, hip-shooting and draw-and-fire from the holster is prohibited.
- Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded. Never leave a firearm unattended.
For your safety and convenience, range safety officer(s) are on the range at all times.
The Range Safety Officer (RSO) has the duty of maintaining range rules and safety. The RSO has the ultimate authority to require a person to leave the range for a rule violation or any other cause that threatens the safety of staff and customers. Anyone suspected, in the Lead RSO’s judgment, of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will NOT be allowed in the range area or on the range floor. The South Metro Public Safety Training Facility has a three strike rule. Negligent discharge, damage to property, displaying careless disregard, ignoring an RSO’s direction, or any disregard of the following range rules could result in an immediate removal from the range and/or premises.
- Transport all firearms cased and unloaded, storing ammo separate until on the range floor.
- Shooters must wait outside the range floor for the next available shooting lane.
- Everyone must remain on the carpeted area of the range floor; not forward of the firing line. Do not reach past the firing lane, alert an RSO if you would like to retrieve an object.
- You may pick up only your brass, on the carpeted area; not forward of the firing line.
- Malfunctions must be cleared at the firing line. Ask an RSO for assistance if necessary.
- All targets must be at a minimum distance of 21 feet and level with the shooters point of aim. Shoot only at your target, remove your target when finished.
- Shooting allowed from the standing position only. No shooting from prone or kneeling stances.
- No passing of a loaded firearm to another person.
- If a “cease fire” is called, immediately clear your weapon and step back from the lane.
Click here to view our classes open to the public.
The South Metro Public Safety Training Facility operates under a joint powers agreement between the Cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, and the Metropolitan Airports Commission.
The facility provides a variety of police and fire training opportunities in a 28,000 square foot, two-building campus on a 3 1/2 acre site. It is conveniently located in the northeast corner of Hwys 169 and 494 in Edina MN.
Please use the form to the right to sign up for our mailing list to be notified of facility updates, course offerings, schedule changes and special events.