Leadership for Law Enforcement

Leadership for Law Enforcement 

Presented by: Greg Anderson, On-Target Solutions Group

September 27, 2024, 8 AM – 4 PM


For more information and to register, click here: South Metro Leadership Sep. 27, 2024


What is leadership –
do not follow the fads
· How has leadership advanced
· The difference between leadership,
management and administration
· The under leadership epidemic in law
· Preventing employees from becoming
· Different styles of leadership
· Symptoms of leadership deficit
· Laws of leadership



Crime Scene Reporting

Effective Crime Scene Reporting: Documentation and Demonstratives

Presented by: R.P> “Rusty” Sullivan, On-Target Solutions Group

September 27, 2024, 8 AM – 4 PM


For more information and to register, click here: South Metro Crime Scene Reporting Sep. 27, 2024

Forensic Crime Scene Technician Certification
Evidence Processing: Crime Scene to Courtroom Basics
Crime Scene Photography: The Essentials
Effective Crime Scene Reporting
Completion of the above three seminars and
examination will result in the issuance of a
Forensic Crime Scene Technician certification.
Likewise, these seminars may be taken
individually and do not require they all be taken
this week and any seminars taken previously
count towards the certification.


Compiling Actionable Field Notes
· Intelligible Report Formatting
· Terminology Usage
· Creation of Analysis-Level Documentation
· Aspects of Hearing vs Visual Impacts
· Courtroom Demonstratives
· Visual Methodologies Review:
· Sketching
· General Photography Methods
· Considerations of Technology Usage
· Pitfall Awareness
· 3D Scanning
· Drone Usage
· GIS/Internet Maps
· Team Effort Protocol Recommendation